ExoPlayer, coupled with the capabilities of Media3, offers a robust solution for playing multimedia content in Android applications.
We’ll go through setting up ExoPlayer with Media3 to support live streaming using M3U8 URLs.
Additionally, we’ll explore how to integrate an audio equalizer to provide users with a personalized audio experience.
Let's have a look at what we’re going to implement…
Table of Contents
How Live Streaming Works with ExoPlayer?
Setting Up ExoPlayer for Live Streaming
Add Dependencies
Create ExoPlayerManager
Initialize ExoPlayer
Display ExoPlayer View
Observe Lifecycle Events and Release -
Setting Up Audio Equalizer
Add Dependencies
Define Equalizer Presets and Gain Values
Create Audio Effects Data Class
Create AppModule for Dependency Injection
Implement Equalizer Preferences with SharedPreferences and Gson
Create Audio Equalizer ViewModel
Develop Equalizer SwitchView, PresetsView & EqualizerView Composable
How Live Streaming Works with ExoPlayer?
Live streaming using ExoPlayer revolves around efficiently handling the transmission of audio and video content in real-time.
So, Ready to take your live streaming and audio experience to the next level?
Dive deeper into this exciting world of audio equalization and live streaming on Canopas Blog
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