Wanna learn how to generate a build for the windows desktop app using electron.js and electron-builder?
We will build the app using electron-builder and vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder and will package it with electron-windows-store.
I have used Vue.js inside the electron.js app for creating an app. You can do the same config with whichever framework you have used.
What you will learn today?
Steps for building a Windows app.
Install dependencies Prepare images Add app configs Generate build Packaging app to publish it on the Microsoft store
Building a windows app using electron-builder is easy, except for the packaging and code signing process by the windows store.
You can also configure the build on CI/CD to automate the building process. That way, whenever you perform any changes in your existing code, the build will be generated automatically and will also be uploaded to the store.
You can more read on blog.canopas.com